Saturday, September 01, 2007

And Cupcake Is Her Name ...

...I never knew her until one month ago but I love her just the same. I love her name ...

I know my dog's name sounds odd to some people but it sounded odd to me too, at first. And the funny thing was my kids would always mistakenly call her as pancake or fruitcake. Since there is no law about naming pets everyone's free to call his pet whatever he wants. When I was a kid, my family owned dogs many different times and I can still remember some of their names -- Chicklet, Tootsie Roll, Gaga, Samson and Nido.

So how did Cupcake got her name? Hmm...I'll talk about that later. Right now, I want to talk about how she became a member of our household. It happened a little more than a month ago. One morning, a lady came to our house with a dog in tow. She said she's giving the dog to us because she couldnt take good care of her anymore which explained why the poor thing was full of fleas and a bit thin. We immediately welcomed the dog since few weeks before that I was asking Dean to buy me a little dog that I could use for company when I'm alone in the house.

Cupcake is a Jack Russell terrier. History says that Jack Russells were bred as hunting terriers which explains why Cupcake loves to dig and always out to chase any animals like bugs, lizards, frogs, peacocks, cats and even huge dogs and cows! She is so incredibly energetic, highly intelligent and incurably curious. A Jack Russell is even described as a huge dog in a small dog's body. There was a point that Dean and I were thinking of giving her up because she's just too much too handle. But I've grown to love her. She's a very affectionate dog. She loves to be always close to us by snuggling and sitting on our laps and have her belly rubbed. She loves catching the ball although lately she plays more with fallen grapefruits in the backyard.

And because of Cupcake's bubbly and outgoing personality I decided to keep her despite Dean's occassional protestations. I told him that with a personality like mine, Cupcake and I will make a perfect blend. Now when I'm home alone I got somebody to talk to even if she answers back with arf-arf, lol. No, she doesnt bark at me ...only at strangers and our neighbors' cats and dogs.

Right now, she's having her period. I was told it lasts for three weeks so she's got few more days to go before it's over. And I cant wait for it to be over because Dean hollers at me everytime he sees drops of blood on the floor. He even banned the poor dog from sitting on the couch unless it's covered with a towel first. I was so tempted to call the vet's office if they have special napkins or tampons for dogs, lol!

So, why Cupcake? Well, her former owner called her Sara Lee which happens to be the same as Dean's ex-girlfriend's name. And she wasnt just any old flame. He broke off with her a few months before he met me. I think that's what's odd to me. I told him that we didnt have to change her name because I really didnt have any problem at all if he calls out "her" name from time to time but he insisted on giving her a new name. Since "Cupcake" used to be one of our terms of endearment (eewww...mushy!), we decided to just name her that.


  • At October 04, 2005 12:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ang cute naman ni Cupcake! yong aking si penny menopause na, lol!

  • At October 04, 2005 7:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    it also happened to me once. my ex-boyfriend gave me a doll as a birthday present. he didnt know that the doll already had a name which can be found in the tag. surprise, surprise! the name of the doll is same as his ex's name. we fought about that. he said he didnt pay attention to what's in the tag. well, now i think that was funny.

  • At October 06, 2005 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hi! i was just blog surfing when I found your cite. i like your entries, they're all interesting. expect me to visit your blog often. hope we can be friends.


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